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About us

We are a global cross-disciplinary knowledge- and mentoring community open for all researchers, practitioners, and educators exploring the synergetic potentials of Structures and Architecture.
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The multidimensional environmental, social and economic challenges to be overcome in arriving at a viable development of the built environment call for global solidarity and collaboration in developing synergetic forms of Structures and Architecture. Therefore, we strive to:

  • Nurture improved collaboration processes between all those involved in the fields of Structures & Architecture
  • Nurture the realization of synergetic forms of Structures and Architecture by empowering architects, engineers and other specialists to explore new viable concepts, applications and challenges together.
  • Continually encourage collaboration with other professional communities with similar objectives.
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The Association

For the current period 2022-2025, we are specifically aiming to develop the potential of the Association as a network and mentoring opportunity for emerging researchers, practitioners, and educators within the field of Structures and Architecture. To this end, we are introducing an internal

  • Will serve as a platform for strengthening all aspects of the theory and practice of Structures and Architecture.
  • Will organize the International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA) triennially.
  • Will co-sponsor or endorse other symposia, conferences and workshops.
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Join us in our search to deepen the synergetic potentials of the fields of structures and architecture by widening our modes of collaboration across disciplines, perspectives, and geographies.
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Who we are

The International Association of Structures and Architecture was founded in 2016 upon the initiative of Professor Paulo J. S. Cruz, who also initiated the ICSA, International Conference on Structures and Architecture series, which has been held triennially since 2010. The composition of the Managing bodies of the association is renewed on a running basis to keep the association a plural cross disciplinary organization capable of developing on the strong basis of long term engagement of its members.

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Vacancy Professor for Architecture and Digital Culture

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Symposium ‘Crafting Circularity’ at the University of Antwerp

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The Rice Sustainability Institute is now accepting applications for postdoctoral fellows.

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Global Workshop BCN | Building Ecologies: The five Elements

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The Association is headed by a President and three Vice-Presidents. The President represents the Association externally and is assisted in his/her functions by the Vice-Presidents.

Management board

The management board exercises control of the current affairs ensuring that the statutes are adhered to, it is composed of eight members including the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary.

  • Marie FRIER HVEJSEL, Denmark (Chair)
  • Paulo J. S. Cruz, Portugal (Past President)
  • Airong CHEN, China
  • Ornella IUORIO, UK
  • Ulrich KNAACK, The Netherlands
  • Terri MEYER BOAKE, Canada
  • Mario RINKE, Belgium (Secretary)
  • José M. M. SÁNCHEZ, Brazil

Executive council

The executive council is the decision-making body of the Association, it consists of up to twenty-four members.

  • Marie FRIER HVEJSEL, Denmark (Chair)
  • Paulo J. S. Cruz, Portugal (Past President)
  • S. P. ANCHURI, India
  • Anne BEIM, Denmark
  • Jan BELIS, Belgium
  • Juan José CASTELLÓN, USA
  • Airong CHEN, China
  • Bruno FIGUEIREDO, Portugal
  • Thomas FOWLER, USA
  • Ornella IUORIO, UK (Secretary)
  • Ulrich KNAACK, The Netherlands
  • Terri MEYER BOAKE, Canada
  • Olga POPOVIC LARSEN, Denmark
  • Rui PÓVOAS, Portugal
  • Lisha REN, China
  • Mario RINKE, Belgium
  • José M. M. SÁNCHEZ, Brazil
  • Anne-Catrin SCHULTZ, USA
  • Romuald TARCZEWSKI, Poland

Membership is individual and free

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Membership is individual and without any fee for persons involved in the areas of activity covered by the Association and willing to support it.
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