Call for conference hosts: ICSA2028

As we prepare to meet in Antwerp for ICSA2025, it is also time to look ahead and start shaping ICSA2028! This is your opportunity to lead the process and host the next conference:
What could be a purposeful location and thematic frame for ICSA2028? How can we use the conference as a lever to widen our modes of collaboration on the synergies of structures and architecture across disciplines, perspectives and geographies? Which new connections could we aim to facilitate?
We invite interested members to apply for the role of conference host. Applications should be submitted to by June 1, 2025. A maximum of three proposals will be selected for presentation, and the final host will be chosen during ICSA2025.
Please find the guidelines for conference-host here.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to discussing your ideas. Feel free to reach out with any questions regarding the application process.
See you in Antwerp, July 8–11, 2025!
Foto: ’Multi-Storey Rammed Earth Construction’, Critical Practices’ Prototype by
J. Jeppesen, N. Brix, J. Johansson & L. K. Nielsen
Kea – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology & Egen vinding og datter, Presented at ICSA2022, Photo credits: Per Bille